About / Committees
CADSI’s Operating Committees are one of the most important ways for CADSI to establish the views and concerns of its members, seek information and advice, and shape the direction of the association. Through the committees, the industry is afforded an opportunity to gather and distill its priorities, positions and views, which CADSI can then advance with the Government of Canada. They also provide our members with a forum for dialogue where they can express feedback to the association on how events, programs and services can be improved.
Each CADSI Operating Committee is comprised of a Chair, a Vice-Chair, and a number of corporate members who have volunteered their time and expertise. The Chairs of each committee are encouraged to bring together the views and concerns of members, build consensus across the membership, and communicate back to members any developments.
CADSI encourages all corporate members to participate and contribute volunteers to CADSI Operating Committees. Below is a list of the CADSI Operating Committees, their descriptions, Chairs and Vice-Chairs, and associated CADSI staff liaison. For additional information, please call 613-235-5337.

Policy Committee
The Policy Committee provides timely advice and guidance to CADSI on the implementation of the industry-impacting components of Strong, Secure and Engaged (SSE), in addition to providing advice on emerging policy and programmatic issues relevant to the Canadian defence sector.
Small and Medium Enterprise Committee
The Small and Medium Enterprise Committee provides input on matters pertaining specifically to Small and Medium Enterprises.
Cyber Council
The Cyber Council provides ongoing feedback on CADSI’s activities and research efforts in the cyber-defence domain, as well as offering input as the association works to form closer links between home-grown industry and government.
Women in Defence & Security Canada
Women in Defence & Security (WiDS) Canada promotes the advancement of women leaders in defence and security professions. Individual membership for industry members is complimentary with CADSI membership. To learn more about WiDS, visit their website at WiDS.ca