Gateway / Capabilities
Smart prospecting and automated vendor matching on demand.
The ultimate database to be referenced as a vendor in the defence, maritime, aerospace, cyber security or space sectors; and to showcase your industrial capabilities to potential buyers, partners and stakeholders.

Solution overview
How it works
GATEWAYcapabilities was inspired and created with a member’s needs at the forefront. GATEWAYcapabilities’ robust search engine utilizes analytical data and showcases Canada’s defence and security companies to targeted, established Canadian and International business prospects. Additional benefits are many, including:

Target, Promote, Market

Engage, Brand, Export

Discover a tool that is a life-changer for the entire defence manufacturing supply-chain.
introducting the cadsi the GATEWAY SUITE
A high-value, high-yielding tool set for defence and security organizations
A unique and highly innovative business development suite tailored by CADSI to help our Members grow their business within the defence and security industry.

Gateway: Capabilities
GATEWAYcapabilities is a cutting edge and innovative software application designed to showcase the Canadian depth and breadth of defence, maritime, aerospace, security and space capabilities.

Drive innovation, stay informed, and gain a competitive edge in the defence and security industry.
trusted by industry leaders worldwide

Become a CADSI member to participate
CADSI offers various Membership packages based on your organization's size and portfolio. Find out what we have to offer in our Corporate and Associate Categories below.
Corporate Plans: Open to Canadian registered, legal, private-sector commercial companies that have active business operations in Canada whose business include defence and/or security and who produce goods and provide services within Canada. Corporate membership fees are based on the total number of employees within the ownership group of your organization worldwide inclusive of all subsidiaries and lines of business.
Associate Plans: Open to organizations whose purpose is consistent with CADSI’s mandate, and that do not qualify for Corporate membership and whose business include defence and/or security. Associate members are not permitted to exhibit at CANSEC.
Micro1-4 employeesFor organizations who are just getting started
Small5-99 employeesPerfect for organizations ready for next-level growth
Medium100-499 employeesMid-size businesses looking to expand connections
Large500+ employeesExtensive and broad-reaching companies with more than 500 global employees

Access to CANSEC
Gateway Intel - Foreign Market Intelligence
Engagement Opportunities
Member-only Events
Gateway Capabilities Database
International Programs
Industry Dispatch: Curated articles on the latest policy trends
Access to policy experts and dedicated advocates
Your Voice to the Federal Government
Member News

Access to CANSEC
Engagement Opportunities
Gateway Intel - Foreign Market Intelligence
International Programs
Member-only Events
Industry Dispatch: Curated articles on the latest policy trends
Access to policy experts and dedicated advocates
Gateway Capabilities Database
Your Voice to the Federal Government
Member News

Access to CANSEC
Gateway Intel - Foreign Market Intelligence
International Programs
Member-only Events
Access to policy experts and dedicated advocates
Industry Dispatch: Curated articles on the latest policy trends
Engagement Opportunities
Gateway Capabilities Database
Your Voice to the Federal Government
Member News

Access to CANSEC
International Programs
Member-only Events
Gateway Capabilities Database
Gateway Intel - Foreign Market Intelligence
Access to policy experts and dedicated advocates
Industry Dispatch: Curated articles on the latest policy trends
Engagement Opportunities
Your Voice to the Federal Government
Member News
AcademicEducational Institutions
MediaMedia Organizations
CanadianCanadian non-commercial organizations
InternationalInternational non-commerical organizations

Access to policy experts and dedicated advocates
Member-only Events
Industry Dispatch: Curated articles on the latest policy trends in Canada
Access to CANSEC
Member News
Engagement Opportunities
Gateway Intel - Foreign Market Intelligence
Gateway Capabilities Database

Access to policy experts and dedicated advocates
Member-only Events
Industry Dispatch: Curated articles on the latest policy trends in Canada
Access to CANSEC
Member News
Engagement Opportunities
Gateway Intel - Foreign Market Intelligence
Gateway Capabilities Database

Access to policy experts and dedicated advocates
Member-only Events
Industry Dispatch: Curated articles on the latest policy trends in Canada
Access to CANSEC
Member News
Engagement Opportunities
Gateway Intel - Foreign Market Intelligence
Gateway Capabilities Database

Access to policy experts and dedicated advocates
Member-only Events
Industry Dispatch: Curated articles on the latest policy trends in Canada
Access to CANSEC
Member News
Engagement Opportunities
Gateway Intel - Foreign Market Intelligence
Gateway Capabilities Database