About / Affiliates
Our partnerships and affiliates
Affiliates are partner organizations whose mission and objectives are closely linked to those of CADSI

ADS (United Kingdom)
ADS is the trade organization in the United Kingdom that represents the aerospace, defence, security and space sectors. ADS is focused on representing the interests of these valuable wealth producing industries in the UK and overseas to key stakeholders, government, and the media. Farnborough International Limited, sponsors of the Farnborough International Airshow, is a wholly owned subsidiary. To learn more about ADS, visit their website at www.adsgroup.org.uk

Association of the United States Army
The Association of the United States Army (AUSA) is a private, non-profit educational organization that supports America's Army — active, National Guard, Reserve, civilians, retirees, government civilians, wounded warriors, veterans, and family members. AUSA provides numerous professional development opportunities at a variety of events both local and national. To learn more about AUSA, visit their website at www.ausa.org

Australian Industry and Defence Network
The Australian Industry & Defence Network (AIDN) is the principal industry association for small-to-medium enterprises (SMEs) wishing to do business in the defence and security sectors. Established in 1995, AIDN represents the interests of Australian SMEs in the defence and security industry sectors by advocacy, representation and member services. AIDN is made up of state and territory chapters with a combined membership of more than 800 principal SME companies. To learn more about AIDN, visit their website at www.aidn.org.au

Canadian Commercial Corporation
Established in 1946, the Canadian Commercial Corporation (CCC) is a federal Crown corporation mandated to facilitate international trade on behalf of Canadian industry, particularly within government markets. The Corporation’s business lines are structured to support Canadian companies contracting in a variety of industries and sectors. In 2013-14, CCC was active in 57 countries with 183 Canadian companies. To learn more about CCC, visit their website at www.ccc.ca

Canadian Manufacturers & Exporters
Canadian Manufacturers & Exporters (CME) is Canada’s largest trade and industry association, and the voice of manufacturing and global business in Canada. CME represents more than 10,000 leading companies nationwide, and – through various initiatives, including the establishment of the Canadian Manufacturing Coalition – touches more than 100,000 companies from coast to coast engaged in manufacturing, international trade, and service-related industries. To learn more about CME, visit their website at www.cme-mec.ca

CDA Institute
In its role as the ‘Voice of Defence’, the Conference of Defence Associations (CDA Institute), whose 51 constituent Associations represent a total of some 400,000 members, firmly believes in the importance of public discussion of security requirements to the healthy functioning of a democratic society. To learn more about CDA Institute, visit their website at www.cdainstitute.ca

National Defence Industrial Association (United States)
The National Defense Industrial Association (NDIA) is America’s leading defence industry association promoting national security. NDIA provides a legal and ethical forum for the exchange of information between industry and government on national security issues. NDIA invites Canadian companies to join for the first year at the rate of $400US — a discount of 20%! Thereafter, NDIA dues are based on your organization's defence-related revenue (both prime and subcontracts for products and services). To learn more about NDIA, visit their website at www.cdainstitute.ca

Navy League of the United States
The Navy League of the United States has provided a powerful voice for a stronger sea service to Congress and to the American people. It has grown into the foremost citizens’ organization to serve, support and stand with all the sea services – the U.S. Navy, U.S. Marine Corps, U.S. Coast Guard and U.S.-flag Merchant Marine. The League is comprised of 40,000 civilians in more than 240 councils around the world working to support sea service members and their families. To learn more about the Navy League, visit their website at www.ndia.org

University of Toronto
Founded in 1827, the University of Toronto has evolved into Canada’s leading institution of learning, discovery and knowledge creation. It is a global leader in research and teaching and has a significant footprint, both in Canada and around the world. The university's three strategic priorities are their commitment to achieving the goals set out in the University's Towards 2030 plan: to enhance and strengthen the university's standing as a globally ranked research powerhouse and leader in research-intensive education. To learn more about the University of Toronto, visit their website at www.utoronto.ca